40 days until departure

May 18, 2023 | Crazy, fun, shit in India

Today, there are exactly 40 days left until my departure to India on Monday, June 26th, 2023. I have bought a one-way ticket from Zurich to Bangalore and will start on June 26th at 9:00 am into one of the greatest adventures of my life.

I'm doing a Sabbatical ...

and I will be released from all my duties for 12 months without pay from my employer Hilti AG. I am leaving behind my well-paid job as a Human Resources Business Partner, I am renting out my luxurious 100m22 apartment in Switzerland to a stranger and from now on, above all, I am one thing: FREE.

Why did I do that?

The answer to this question consists of thousands of individual parts, thousands of facets, thousands of moments, thousands of thoughts, thousands of small decisions, which together result in a total work of art. This work of art perhaps would bear the title "Awakening" and consist of an exploding orange color powder that slams with full force onto a huge blue canvas.

To phrase it more clearly: Now it is time to take seriously my wildness and craziness and uniqueness, which slumbers in me and is about to awaken, and like a loving mother give it the space to unfold. I've always been different from most people, I've always felt that somehow. I was the outsider, the unpopular one, the nerd, the lonely, the funny, the world traveler, the quiet one, the beautiful, the shy, the uncertain, the special, the misunderstood, the stubborn, the overlooked, the sad, the blessed, the chosen one... but despite all the contradictions, I lived a life that was just as unimaginative as the lives of many others.  

Now I recognize: this predetermined life does not suit me at all!

It's damn high time to distinguish myself from the mainstream and hunt all conformity to hell and ask myself, what is MY life plan, what are MY wishes and MY dreams and who the hell AM I? I no longer need orientation on the paths of others, I need a clearer orientation on myself!

Yes, yes, I'm calming down again... this life-changing phase is quite emotional ... so this journey, so much is certain, is a journey to myself and it will be wild and painful and crazy and lively, it will be loud and exotic and intense and colorful… and where could you do this better than in India, the country of ancient wisdom and lots of contradictions. 

It's starting soon!

Your Salome


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