Salome Bosch Coaching 

Let`s do some

crazy, fun Shit! 

For a colorful life lived with self-confidence,
mature self-awareness and freedom.


Let's discover your Uniqueness

Do you know this too?

  • Do self-doubt, sadness and heaviness burden your life?
  • Do you often feel worthless and sad and you don't even know exactly why?
  • Do you doubt yourself and your abilities?
  • Are you often depressed and dissatisfied with your life?
  • Do you find it difficult to switch off your inner critics?
  • Do you have troubles making decisions because you don't know yourself and your dreams?

Do you also have a longing for ...

  • ... finally stop being the good daughter / the good son?
  • ... breaking out of the Circle of Bullshit into which you were born?
  • ... no longer being your biggest enemy, but your best friend?
  • finally stop adapting to the expectations of others 
  • ... recognizing that you are VALUABLE, just the way you are


your true colours!

You are the creator of your life!

I will guide you to discover your wild, crazy and unique beauty that always has been inside of you.

With love and clarity, I will support you in realizing that your life is always

Together, we will go on a journey to discover yourself and I will show you creative ways to make your potential blossom, take your dreams seriously and wake up smiling in the morning because you really love your life.

Together, we are twice as strong. With my support, you will be unstoppable!


I'm Salome!

My gift is to inspire and guide people in recognizing their unique beauty and to cultivate inner peace. Together we create a more loving relationship with yourself.

The most important relationship in your life is the relationship with yourself and nurturing it is the best investment of all.

I support you in discovering yourself and developing your true self - for a life lived with self-confidence, mature self-awareness and freedom.


For a long time, my life has been influenced by sadness and heaviness and I have often doubted myself. Despite international success in my studies and work, I was never satisfied with myself. Again and again I tried to prove my value to others and my inner dialogue was hurtful and marked by hardness.

I have broken through this dead end!

With the help of wonderful people, a strong will and the vigorous desire to expand my consciousness, I have created a loving relationship with myself.

Today I experience joy of life, lightness and I go through life with an authentic, wild and contagious radiance.

You want that too? I can show you how it works!


Let`s do some
crazy, fun Shit!

Emotions make your life colorful.Through conditionings by family and society, we have learned to suppress and control our feelings in order to “function."

Emotions are messages from you to you and we can learn to listen to them and to take the wisdom of the messages seriously. Follow your heart and go YOUR way! Appreciate all facets of your being and become the best version of yourself!

Let's start the journey together and take your potential to the next level in a creative, profound and transformative process. I am here for you and to guide you, just the way you need it.

Coaching 1:1

... individually tailored to you.

Group Sessions

Together we are strong!

Practice brings progress

Regular meditation practice.

Don't let it get you down.

Be cheeky and wild and wonderful.

(Astrid Lindgren)


My blog for your emotional outburst

Studie einer Indischen Familie (2)

Study of an Indian Family (2)

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Studie einer indischen Familie (1)

Study of an Indian Family (1)

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Das Meditations Bootcamp

The Meditation Bootcamp

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